The Secret of the Sacred Heart

by Matt Meeks

Did you know that June is the month of the Sacred Heart? It’s no coincidence the Feast of the Immaculate Heart comes each June immediately after the feast of the Sacred Heart. That’s because Jesus's heart fashions hearts after his own. This is the entire reason why we have the Eucharist - to receive His heart and make it our own!

It’s the secret of the Sacred Heart. But, it shouldn’t be a secret. When you come to communion with humble and open hearts, Jesus’s open heart pours grace into your open heart. Overtime, your heart becomes like his. It’s a profound gift and with it comes profound graces.

If you are looking to grow closer to Jesus’s Sacred Heart - there is no better time to start than right now! To help, we’ve got the Sacred Heart Tiny Saint so you can carry a tangible reminder of the Sacred Heart everywhere you go. And, because the Sacred Heart creates hearts like its own, we’ve got the Immaculate Heart and Chaste Heart of Joseph Tiny Saints too!

This week only, when you order all three Holy Family Hearts together, Catholic.Store we’ll take 20% off the bundle. Most importantly take some time today to approach Jesus with an open heart and receive the graces to become like him.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Chaste Heart of Joseph